Brian K. Oliver was born and raised on the westside of Baltimore, Maryland by his parents, Robin and Garry. He is a proud graduate of Baltimore City College High School and Towson University with a B.S. in Political Science. Surrounded by a hard working family of local leaders and entrepreneurs; education, public service and outreach has always been a priority.
Brian is a member of the Howell family, the owners and operators of Howell Funeral Homes. He is also a well respected travel blogger, influencer and public speaker. He has served as a keynote speaker at many events both locally and nationwide encouraging others to pursue their passion and goals.
Brian’s love for travel and empowerment began as a young boy. Many days were spent following behind and riding in the car with his grandfather on various local and domestic journeys, as he carried out his duties as a minister.
The excitement of seeing new places, meeting new people and observing the cultural differences that existed right in his local neighborhoods and the nation continued to grow stronger.
As Brian grew older and began to travel more domestically solo and with friends, the beast obsessed with adventure continued to grow. Once he eventually realized that the myths of international travel being very expensive and difficult to pursue were false, it was all she wrote.
While many may use travel as an escape from the realities of their cities, he has found it to be a source of inspiration, motivation and encouragement. Brian knows that the privilege of travel is one that must not be taken for granted, but most importantly shared with others.
In 2019 he founded BMore See More, a nonprofit organization empowering minority male students in Baltimore City through education, mentorship and travel. He is a 2020 recipient of the Men Impact Change Education Honor.

Brian believes that everyone, regardless of class or circumstance should have the opportunity to experience and witness life outside of their respective communities. Travel not only serves as an important tool of education but also plays a major part in appreciating what we have, where we’re from and where we are going in life.
One passport stamp has lead to another and the quest to see the world and enrich the lives of those around him continues.
Today, he has been fortunate to visit nearly 60 countries and has no plans on slowing down!
He looks forward to continuing to fulfill his purpose in life as we navigate through difficult and unfamiliar times.
The name/concept of Beyond Bmore came to Brian as he was flying home from Thailand in November 2015. His desire was to highlight his travels while also promoting positivity. The image of a young black man from Baltimore, especially during that time was one of hopelessness and despair.
Brian had traveled a few places that year and got reactions of shock and compassion. His city had been seen on the news during the unrest in April 2015. Most people’s perception of Baltimore was a place of turmoil, endless violence and no direction. He was determined to be one of the individuals who helped to change the narrative. The word “beyond” is used to emphasize the impact of going beyond what people think of you and what people expect of you. When traveling, one goes beyond their neighborhood, their city, and their state both mentally and physically.
Beyond Bmore currently serves as Brian’s online platform and social media brand name.