For years I have had the desire to visit Cincinnati, Ohio. Known as The Queen City, Cincinnati’s strategic location in the Midwest serves as a gateway to the region. The city has a vibrant cultural scene filled with a ton of history, restaurants, bars, and...
As a lifelong resident of Baltimore, Maryland and a huge Ravens fan, I have pretty much grown up being taught to dislike everything about the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Embracing anything about your rival’s hometown including the people, culture, and history is...
In an effort to discover and explore the black history and culture of more cities within the US, my travels have led me to some pretty fascinating places. The real gems have proven to be those cities that quietly lay under the radar, yet over deliver on the...
Looking for an East Coast getaway in a city with an old soul and youthful enthusiasm? Make sure Hampton, Virginia has a spot on your list! As millions of Americans return to traveling, the potential destinations are endless. After a rough few years, it’s safe to say...
While I’ve been fortunate to visit nearly 60 countries around the globe, I always mention my desire to explore more of the United States. With most of our must see destination lists filled with major cities, it’s often the small towns that sneak under the radar and...